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Our Lady: a Fantasia, by James Fluhr: or What goes around, Comes around!

Our Lady is a piece James wrote for his thesis that became a best of the fest hit in the New York International Fringe last year, then played at New Rep outside Boston before I came on board to direct him.

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I met James Fluhr when he was honored with the award named for me at Boston University's College of Fine Arts, by the School of Theater Arts, a few years ago. He is a profoundly gifted scenographer, and as it turns out, a wonderful writer and performer.

Our Lady sprung from his imagination and his truth, both as a vehicle for himself, and a way for others to process the hatred they encounter in their lives and find redemption.

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This is one wild-ass play! I call it a Fantasia, for the Story is told as a fairy tale; but it smacks hard up against a raw and bitter reality. The juxtaposition is both stark and compelling.

It could not be more theatrical. The brilliant Matthew Haber collaborates on the environment with video and projection. James has designed the setting and the masks, wigs and costumes. He's one bad ass 7' mo fo drag queen, in 6 inch platforms and a foot high wig! Check it.

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I am THRILLED to be along for the journey.

- NYC for The Figment Factory, Fall of 2016

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